Objective of One Stop Centre
To Coordinate and expedite the approval process of land development application at the Land Office and MPT which includes Application Approval planning, building plans and other plans .
To reduce timeframe and simplify the application process of planning approval and building plans within 4 months for project under the concept of "Build then Sell" (BKJ), "High Impact Projects" and Foreign Investment as well as Government Projects and within 6 months for projects under the "Sell Before Build".
Procedures uniformity and processes of applications for planning approvals, building plans and allocation applications under the National Land Code 1965 (KTN 56), Town and Country Act 1976 (Act 172) and Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974 (Act 133)
Client Charter of One Stop Centre
The objective of the formation of the One Stop Centre is to lessen bureaucratic hassles in the procedures and processes of development proposals while improving the service delivery system of the local authority.
The following is OSC service charter:-
Coordinate and simplify the approval process of applications for land developments, planning approvals, building plans, ground work plans, road and drain plans, as well as other plans related to development proposals.
To reduce the timeframe and speed up the approval process of development proposals under the concept "Build then Sell" (BKJ) to within 4 months and under the concept of "Sell Before Build" to within 6 months.
To reduce the timeframe and speed up the process of proposal applications individually.
Procedures uniformity and processes of development proposals taking into consideration the allocations under the National Land Code 1965 (KTN 56), the Town and Country Planning Act 1976 (Act 172) and the Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974 (Act 133)
Coordinating and monitoring applications for development proposals and other applications received by One Stop Centre.
Preparing periodic reports for KPKT every month before or on the 5th.