Objective Policy of Legal and Enforcement Department Quality
"We are committed in providing excellent and quality service as well as fulfilling the requirements of the law"
In fulfilling this Quality Objective, we practice Comprehensive Quality Management with the following objectives:
- Enforcement of Temerloh Municipal Council's rules and regulations.
- Creating a surrounding that free from matters against the Council's regulations for the comfort and safety of Temerloh's residents.
- Maintain a good relationship with local Government Departments and Agencies in enforcing the law:
Local Government Act 1976 (Act 171)
- Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974 (Act 133)
- Town and Country Planning Act 1973 (Act 172)
- Road Transport Act 1987 (Act 333) (Road Transport Order 2000)
- Hawkers By-laws (MPT) 2000
- Barber Shops and Hairdressers By-laws (MPT) 1987
- Dog Licence By-laws (MPT) 2000
- Parks By-laws (MPT) 1986
- Control and Supervision of Food Premise By-laws (MPT) 1986
- Advertisement By-laws (MPT) 2000
- Food handling By-laws (MPT) 1984
- Refuse Collection and Disposal By-laws (MPT) 1983
- Plans and Permits Fees By-laws
- Compound Offences By-laws (Street, Drainage and Buildings) (MPT) 1983
- Earthworks By-laws (MPT) 2000
Entertainment Enactment 1993
Entertainment Enactment (Entertainment Procedure) 1996
Legal and Enforcement Department Client Charter
- Ensuring that legal actions taken are fair, just and reasonable.
- All complaints will be investigated and actions taken within 72 hours.